The Rehabilitation of the Applicable Connexions to Historical, Ethnic, Economic, Cultural, Spiritual and Community Traditions for Group and Family in an Areal of Memory Discontinuity and Identity Fading --RECONEX
Untitled Document
The project The Rehabilitation of the Applicable Connexions to Historical, Ethnic, Economic, Cultural,
Spiritual and Community Traditions for Group and Family in an Areal of Memory Discontinuity and Identity
Fading --RECONEX is financed from public funds by the
Romanian National Agency for Scientific Research in the frame
of the PNCDI-2 (
2-nd National R&D Plan) - Partnerships in Priority Domains.
UEFISCDI ensures the monitoring of the project
phases and progress.
The RECONEX project intends to reconnect and rebuild through IT specific means
the multiple continuity altered by reallocation, or the movement of a human community to new places,
as a result of large hydro-technical constructions. During the project research will be carried for
the identification, systematization and processing of existent information and for the creation of new information and knowledge according to methodologies and to present in an Internet available application various information: historical, geographical, geological, archaeological, economic, ethnic, ethnographic, cultural, including the patrimonial aspects, group and community traditions, environment, sociological aspects and others, necessary for the characterization of the specific identity of a region, community, group or individual, under various and complex aspects.
We consider that the pilot application will focus on the main affected localities by the construction
of the hydro-energy and navigation dam of Portile de Fier I (Orsova, due to the relocation has lost
archaeological antiquities, historical and art monuments , the island of Ada-Kaleh, Varciorova, Eselnita, Dubova-Svinita).